Shadows that follow.
Seem to be getting slower as fatigue strikes. So eventually the sequential sketches (annotate tomorrow on a fresh head).
But first, had a look around at what the rest of you lot are doing, bloody hell there is some good stuff, particular praise goes to Mr Chilli for his bounding leap forward ( i assume the name comes for 'hot air') really looking solid. Just reminds me of what is expected.
Aija s model, blinding, Alicks drawings (and studio, so tidy i wouldn't dare put a photo up, for the simple reason the camera is buried somewhere and all you would see is a sea of tracing paper ) stunning, Sue's 'light touch' of lovely sketches, great shadows. Looking forward to seeing the rest.
8 Sketches.
In no particular order. Updated the previous ones with more shadow (lifts and creates atmosphere, cheers J), backed off the bright green to a more subtle muddy green/yellow. Though i would really like to do a three colour scheme (as Helen Armstrong appreciates and i get it, may do something with the model photographs on the ' abstract/atmo if i can).
Neil will so tell me off for saying this, but still not sure whether i really like this style, a case of looking over my shoulder a bit too much i suspect. On the plus side learnt an awful lot about creating depth and tree's.
Maybe its a case of Tracy Emmin, do fine art, nail it, then go abstract as she understands the techniques of 'realism ' but wanted to get beyond that, so use an unmade bed to tell the story, maybe my messy workspace has some use after all!
The large Oak and steel Pergola, +Wisteria. A mobile (park stored) refreshment to provide the eat, sit, meet, watch that people so love.
Looking over the bottom interaction area (ooh-err-missis, that sounds a bit Frankie Howard). Human scale of height to width, with prairie views that people find so attractive. Shadows are a bit messy.
Looking up waterfall. Added shadow like this one slightly abstract, three colours, though not thirds!
Looking down from the upper small cafe/art space under the waterfall. This is the view that you can see the ashdown forest in the distant view. Glimpses of a view provide some curiosity.
Looking down along the rear ravine evening sun. Long shadows.
Hari. K. Rishna in his orange top surveys the view from the Island.Used the same blue to look as if the water colour reflects the sky, not quite worked. Feels a bit narrow for some reason. To late now.
Looking up from a ravine to the Picturesque style high walk way. Shadow the the first part of the ravnie with light from the intersection ravine splashing light over the rock. This one and the one below i particularly like. First and last.
Looking down toward the Pergola. With the slightly wild looking perennial borders sliding down the hill side for all to see. tree's a bit contrived/solid. Changed the colours for a more yellow/green corn scene. Thank god for 'replace colour' in PS
Annotation tomorrow, i have decided to put them all on individual A3 size and annotate from there. I can easily put on a A1 if needed.
Hopefully will have a good day and find some nice/better images for mood and precedent, plus lighting plan. Been listening to too much Trip Hop so the mood is on the wrong side those glum people from Bristol, i must be some kind of Dummy.
Night all. ZZZZZzzzzzz
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